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Collecting Micro & Macro level data for Durable Solutions Analysis in Sudan: Interview with Khadra Elmi, Profiling Advisor

https://soundcloud.com/user-787800381/sudan-profiling-mission-april-2018   A lot has happened since July 2017 when we last reported back from the Sudan profiling exercise. At the time we were working with partners to select context-relevant indicators using the Durable Solutions Indicator Library, for a comprehensive durable solutions analysis of the displacement situation in Sudan. We...Collecting Micro & Macro level data for Durable Solutions Analysis in Sudan: Interview with Khadra Elmi, Profiling Advisor
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban
– Published 27.Apr.2018

Displacement high on agenda at the 9th World Urban Forum

JIPS joined 22,000 people from 165 countries, including many representatives of local governments, at the 9th World Urban Forum (WUF) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in February. This major event served as opportunity to revisit the goals of the New Urban Agenda endorsed two years ago, calling for cities to be...Displacement high on agenda at the 9th World Urban Forum
Related Topics: Urban
– Published 7.Feb.2018

JIPS’ Partner Event 2018: New Strategy & Key Achievements 2017

Together with the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN and other International Organisations in Geneva, as well as the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS), we organised an event to tackle the topic of “Improving statistics on forced displacement” from two different perspectives. In this article we focus...JIPS’ Partner Event 2018: New Strategy & Key Achievements 2017
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Refugee & IDP statistics, Urban, IDP policy, Innovation, Capacity development
– Published 6.Feb.2018

New Exercise Launched in Greece: Profiling Refugee, Migrant & Homeless Populations in Thessaloniki

We at JIPS are excited about the launch of an urban profiling exercise in Thessaloniki in northern Greece, upon request by the Municipality of Thessaloniki and UNHCR.   The local context The majority of refugees and asylum seekers in Thessaloniki metropolitan area reside in apartments rather than in refugee camps. As...New Exercise Launched in Greece: Profiling Refugee, Migrant & Homeless Populations in Thessaloniki
Related Topics: Urban
– Published 30.Oct.2017

ICRC’s Protection of the Civilian Population Course 2017: Sharing JIPS’ Profiling Experiences in Urban Settings

 For this summer’s ‘Protection of the Civilian Population’ course, ICRC invited JIPS to contribute by leading a session on profiling internal displacement situations in urban settings. Building on our experiences with urban profiling exercises from Honduras and Hargeisa, Somalia Assanke Koedam, JIPS’ Information Management Manager, discussed with the 30 ICRC...ICRC’s Protection of the Civilian Population Course 2017: Sharing JIPS’ Profiling Experiences in Urban Settings
Related Topics: Urban, Capacity development, Protection
– Published 29.Jun.2017

JIPS' 2nd mission to Sudan: Advancing work on durable solutions through evidence

In early April we completed a second mission to Sudan. The objective was to support the Government and international partners in developing a set of joint tools that can be used to acquire the necessary evidence to inform durable solutions programming. These tools will also be piloted at a later...JIPS' 2nd mission to Sudan: Advancing work on durable solutions through evidence
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban
– Published 1.Apr.2017

Back from an Urban Profiling Mission in Libya: Combining Analysis of Populations & Urban Systems

We recently undertook a mission to Tunis to discuss with Libyan authorities and various humanitarian partners the relevance and scope of an urban displacement analysis in the Libyan situation. Urban contexts present particular challenges in terms of identifying and accessing displaced people. At the same time they offer an important space where...Back from an Urban Profiling Mission in Libya: Combining Analysis of Populations & Urban Systems
Related Topics: Urban
– Published 19.Feb.2017

From JIPS' Partner Event 2017 (3/4): Capacity Sharing & Profiling in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

At the recent panel discussion, organized by JIPS at the end of January 2017 and chaired by Walter Kälin, four panellists spoke about their experiences on how profiling data was useful in specific displacement contexts. In the case of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Jozef Merkx (UNHCR) explained how the...From JIPS' Partner Event 2017 (3/4): Capacity Sharing & Profiling in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Related Topics: Capacity development, Urban
– Published 7.Feb.2017

Launch of the Displacement Profiling Study from Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

After the launch in Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq JIPS is happy to present the findings of the profiling report “Displacement as Challenge and Opportunity: Urban profile of Refugees, IDPs and Host Community, Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq” to the international community in Geneva. Jointly produced by regional authorities, statistics offices and...Launch of the Displacement Profiling Study from Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban, Refugee & IDP statistics
– Published 28.Nov.2016

Profiling Report Launch: Area-based Analysis in Urban Areas of Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

On June 13th 2016, the Kurdistan Regional Government and UNHCR jointly launched the report of the profiling study Displacement as challenge and opportunity in Erbil, Iraq. Through collaboration with the Erbil Statistics Directorate, the Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (JCC), UNOCHA, IOM, UNFPA, UNHABITAT and JIPS, findings will inform a comprehensive response...Profiling Report Launch: Area-based Analysis in Urban Areas of Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban
– Published 20.Jun.2016

Profiling Report Launch: Urban Displacement in Mogadishu and Hargeisa

On 6th June 2016, two profiling reports were launched in Geneva in an event organised by the Global Protection Cluster and JIPS. Both result from urban profiling exercises in Mogadishu and Hargeisa, demonstrate the value of collaborative processes and have helped to inform the new IDP Solutions Initiative in Somalia and...Profiling Report Launch: Urban Displacement in Mogadishu and Hargeisa
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban
– Published 13.Jun.2016

JIPS’ 3rd Mission to KRI: From Coordination Structures to Data Analysis for a Better Understanding of Urban Displacement

In February and March 2016, JIPS undertook a third mission to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) as part of its ongoing support to three profiling exercises that are taking place in the Governorates of Erbil, Duhok and Sulaymaniyah. A Profiling Steering Committee has been set up to oversee these...JIPS’ 3rd Mission to KRI: From Coordination Structures to Data Analysis for a Better Understanding of Urban Displacement
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban
– Published 22.Mar.2016

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