High-level participation, rich insights from NGOs participants, and a strong focus on data and evidence: this year’s UNHCR NGO consultations left us inspired and demonstrated how valuable the learning experience becomes when diverse partners come together to share views and jointly advance practice. The event highlighted the key role that...Data & Evidence (including IDPs) at the Forefront of 2019’s UNHCR Annual NGO Consultations
Related Topics: Refugee & IDP statistics, Community engagement, Methods, Protection
Since the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement were published in 1998, significant efforts and resources have been invested to better understand and address the global phenomenon of internal displacement. It seems, however, that rarely do we take the time to learn across conflict and disaster displacement contexts. Despite the many...ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (June 2019): Changing Mindsets to Address Conflict & Disaster Displacement
Ever since a week full of international meetings on indicator frameworks at the end of March 2019, I am left reflecting on the issue of statistical capacity building, or more specifically on capacity building to improve data on forced displacement. Data – or statistics – is a critical building block...Statistical Capacity Building on Forced Displacement: An Urgent Need for SDGs & GCR indicators?
Related Topics: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Capacity development, Refugee & IDP statistics
In Honduras, the Inter-institutional Commission for the Protection of Populations Displaced by Violence (CIPPDV, in Spanish; referred to as the “Commission” in this article) is leading efforts to generate a nationally representative evidence base that can inform the country’s laws, policies and operational responses to internal displacement due to violence....Behind the Scenes: Honduras’ Inter-Institutional Commission on IDPs & Where the Profiling Exercise Comes in (Apr 2019)
Related Topics: IDP policy, Refugee & IDP statistics, Joint analysis
The latest Steering Group meeting of the group working to implement the Plan of Action marking 20 years of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (GP20) gave the floor to Nigeria, Ethiopia, Honduras and Ukraine. They showcased their diverse approaches to collecting, analysing and using data on internal displacement for...Four Key Insights from the Latest GP20 Steering Group Meeting on IDP Data (Mar 2019)
Related Topics: Refugee & IDP statistics, Durable solutions, Capacity development
With the International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics and the upcoming recommendations on IDP statistics, the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS) has already come a long way to help improve the collection and interpretation of official statistics on forcibly displaced persons. However, it is crucial that these recommendations...Advancing Work on the Compilers Manual: EGRIS’ 3rd All-Members Meeting (Ankara, Feb 2019)
At the beginning of December all members of the IDP subgroup of the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS) gathered together in Kampala to discuss the finalisation of the International Recommendations on IDP Statistics (IRIS). The group had an ambitious workplan and important decisions to make in relation...EGRIS IDP Subgroup: Meeting in Kampala on International Recommendations on IDP Statistics
Given the increasing levels of internal displacement globally and the growing interest in ‘data-driven’ policy and programming, at JIPS we believe it is important to use this year’s 20th anniversary of the Guiding Principles on internal displacement as an occasion to examine the gap between available data and existing data practices on...Forced Migration Review Issue 59: Improving IDP Data to Help Implement the Guiding Principles
With new countries (Georgia, Afghanistan and Honduras) and international organisations (IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix, DTM) and OCHA) joining the IDP subgroup of the international Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS), the work is moving ahead at full speed in 2018. Tasked with developing International Recommendations on IDP Statistics (IRIS),...Update from EGRIS’ Sub-Group on IDP Statistics: 3rd Geneva Meeting (Sep 2018)