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JIPS’ Partner Event 2018: New Strategy & Key Achievements 2017

Together with the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN and other International Organisations in Geneva, as well as the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS), we organised an event to tackle the topic of “Improving statistics on forced displacement” from two different perspectives. In this article we focus...JIPS’ Partner Event 2018: New Strategy & Key Achievements 2017
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Refugee & IDP statistics, Urban, IDP policy, Innovation, Capacity development
– Published 6.Feb.2018

How IDPs Used Video to Explain the Profiling Analysis to their Communities: The Example of Sittwe, Myanmar (2017)

After the launch in Myanmar in August 2017, the Global Camp Coordination and Camp Management  (CCCM) Cluster and JIPS were delighted to introduce the Sittwe Camp Profiling Report to the global community in Geneva. The profiling was carried out in Sittwe Township in Rakhine State, Myanmar between December 2016 and March 2017. The event also presented an...How IDPs Used Video to Explain the Profiling Analysis to their Communities: The Example of Sittwe, Myanmar (2017)
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Community engagement
– Published 7.Oct.2017

Agreeing on Conclusions from Profiling Findings in Kosovo: From our Collaborative Workshop

A collaborative workshop was organised on August 24th in Pristina, Kosovo, to jointly discuss the main findings from a profiling exercise aiming to produce evidence on different IDP populations in the country to inform durable solutions planning and programming. JIPS supported colleagues in DRC to facilitate the workshop and group...Agreeing on Conclusions from Profiling Findings in Kosovo: From our Collaborative Workshop
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Refugee & IDP statistics
– Published 25.Aug.2017

Launch of the Profiling Report from Sittwe Township, Myanmar: Key Findings & Recommendations

After the launch of the profiling report from Rakhine, Myanmar in country, JIPS is thrilled to present the findings to the international community. Being a collaborative effort between the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), UNHCR and a Technical Working Group consisting of various UN...Launch of the Profiling Report from Sittwe Township, Myanmar: Key Findings & Recommendations
Related Topics: Durable solutions
– Published 7.Aug.2017

Selecting core durable solutions indicators in Sudan: Back From our 3rd Mission

JIPS has just returned from a three-week mission to Sudan. The objective was, among others, to support the Government and other partners to agree on core indicators to feed into an analysis plan, as part of the on-going durable solutions profiling pilots in the country. The mission came shortly after...Selecting core durable solutions indicators in Sudan: Back From our 3rd Mission
Related Topics: Durable solutions
– Published 10.Jul.2017

Durable Solutions Project Workshop 2017: Advancing Indicators and Analysis Principles

In June, we hosted a two-day workshop in Geneva on durable solutions analysis in internal displacement situations. We are excited to launch herewith the report consolidating key discussion points and outcomes, as well as the way forward for the project developing tools and guidance for measuring progress towards durable solutions....Durable Solutions Project Workshop 2017: Advancing Indicators and Analysis Principles
Related Topics: Durable solutions
– Published 13.Jun.2017

Securing Durable Solutions for IDPs in Colombia: Interview with Oscar Rico Valencia, Victims’ Unit

Oscar Rico Valencia is an Advisor to the Deputy Director of the Victims’ Unit, the Government agency in Colombia responsible for providing assistance and reparations to victims of the internal armed conflict. He has worked with the Government for over 5 years and developed expertise designing indicators to assess the...Securing Durable Solutions for IDPs in Colombia: Interview with Oscar Rico Valencia, Victims’ Unit
Related Topics: Durable solutions
– Published 29.May.2017

JIPS' 2nd mission to Sudan: Advancing work on durable solutions through evidence

In early April we completed a second mission to Sudan. The objective was to support the Government and international partners in developing a set of joint tools that can be used to acquire the necessary evidence to inform durable solutions programming. These tools will also be piloted at a later...JIPS' 2nd mission to Sudan: Advancing work on durable solutions through evidence
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban
– Published 1.Apr.2017

Supporting Colombia's Efforts Towards Durable Solutions: Mission on Comparative & Area-Based Vulnerability Analysis

How to transition from an assistance-driven model to durable solutions in contexts of protracted displacement with large numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs)? How to better target efforts supporting IDPs in overcoming vulnerabilities linked to displacement? In Colombia, with over 7 million registered IDPs, finding durable solutions is a challenging...Supporting Colombia's Efforts Towards Durable Solutions: Mission on Comparative & Area-Based Vulnerability Analysis
Related Topics: Durable solutions
– Published 26.Mar.2017

From JIPS' Partner Event 2017 (4/4): Changing the Narrative on Internal Displacement in Mogadishu & How the IDP Durable Solutions Initiative Came About

“In Mogadishu, the profiling provided compelling protection and solutions arguments” As Nina Schrepfer (former Protection Cluster Coordinator) laid out in the context of the panel discussion chaired by Walter Kälin on the uses of profiling data in displacement response. Profiling helped to get humanitarian, development and government actors on board...From JIPS' Partner Event 2017 (4/4): Changing the Narrative on Internal Displacement in Mogadishu & How the IDP Durable Solutions Initiative Came About
Related Topics: Durable solutions
– Published 28.Feb.2017

Joint Analysis of Profiling Data & Preliminary Findings in Kosovo: Workshop in Pristina (Dec 2016)

A joint workshop was organised last week in Pristina, Kosovo to present and discuss the preliminary findings from profiling data generated on the displacement situation in Kosovo. JIPS together with Statistics Norway supported the working group with technical expertise.   Collaborative process for agreed-upon data The profiling exercise in Kosovo aims...Joint Analysis of Profiling Data & Preliminary Findings in Kosovo: Workshop in Pristina (Dec 2016)
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Refugee & IDP statistics, IDP policy
– Published 5.Dec.2016

Launch of the Displacement Profiling Study from Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

After the launch in Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq JIPS is happy to present the findings of the profiling report “Displacement as Challenge and Opportunity: Urban profile of Refugees, IDPs and Host Community, Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq” to the international community in Geneva. Jointly produced by regional authorities, statistics offices and...Launch of the Displacement Profiling Study from Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Urban, Refugee & IDP statistics
– Published 28.Nov.2016

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