Internal displacement situations are diverse, challenging, complex and often evolving over time. As the Danish Ambassador Morten Jespersen noted in his opening remarks to JIPS' 2019 annual event, there are no quick fixes and humanitarian responses alone will not fully address the phenomenon. One thing that is certainly needed is quality...Advancing Profiling Practice for Improved Evidence on Forced Displacement: JIPS' annual event 2019
Related Topics: Urban, Joint analysis, Durable solutions, Community engagement
Since their launch in April 2018, the Durable Solutions Indicator Library and Analysis Guide have been put to use in various contexts and ways. For instance, we recently had a chat with Middle East Consulting Solutions (MECS) about how these tools informed their study on durable solutions for IDPs in...Making Use of the Durable Solutions Indicator Library: Experiences from Cristosal, El Salvador
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Community engagement, Methods
JIPS is currently supporting the final stages of a profiling exercise and durable solutions analysis in North Darfur, Sudan, in collaboration with the World Bank, the Sudanese Government’s Joint Mechanism on Durable Solutions, the local authorities in El Fasher and the international community represented by the Durable Solutions Working Group....Engaging Stakeholders in Joint Analysis in Darfur | Mission to Sudan in Nov 2018
In May 2018 JIPS received a request to support a durable solutions profiling of the displacement situation in the Luhansk Oblast. In November, we went on a two-week scoping mission to better understand our partners’ needs and jointly elaborate “the backbone” of the profiling exercise: concrete objectives, coordination mechanism, scope...Why is there a need for profiling in Ukraine? Back from our scoping mission to Luhansk
A few months after the launch of the Durable Solutions Indicator Library and Analysis Guide – the result of a multi-stakeholder effort to translate the IASC Framework on Durable Solutions to IDPs into measurable indicators – we are excited to see that these tools are being put into action. But how are different organisations using it to...Making use of the Durable Solutions Indicator Library: experiences from Syria
As JIPS, it is our priority to support partners involved in a profiling exercise, from the initial to the final stages of the process. We normally do this remotely and, during the most critical steps of the exercise, we often go on field missions to run workshops, train partners, engage...The added value of direct support in Sudan - interview with Khadra Elmi, JIPS Profiling advisor
Related Topics: Urban, Durable solutions, Community engagement
A few months ago, JIPS received a request for support from UNHCR and the Niger Protection Cluster. The request specifically focused on the need to assess the protracted displacement situation in Diffa region and inform durable solutions for displaced and displacement-affected communities. The situation in the region is critical, with over 100,000 IDPs, a large...Why is profiling needed in Niger? - Interview with Valerie Svobodova, Niger Protection Cluster
At JIPS, we strongly believe that communities should be included in key stages of a profiling data cycle to ensure that the process reflects their realities and priorities. The centrality of IDP participation, outlined in the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, has recently been re-affirmed during a panel discussion on the human rights...Promoting IDP participation to shape durable solutions at the Human Rights Council 2018
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Community engagement
The displacement situation in Afghanistan is protracted and complex, with IDPs and repatriated refugees and asylum seekers facing a challenging (re)integration environment. Despite the fact that, in many areas, displaced populations only have limited options for durable solutions, stakeholders have identified the need to develop strategies to reduce these people’s...Discussing durable solutions in a complex environment - JIPS scoping mission to Afghanistan
In the rising temperatures of the summer heat wave in London, the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) collected together researchers and practitioners for a one-day Special Workshop on Internal Displacement entitled ‘Revitalising the IDP Field’ 20 Years of the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement’. Connected to RLI’s well-established annual conference, the Special Workshop was...Revitalising IDP research with the University of London’s Refugee Law Initiative
Securing durable solutions for internally displaced persons is a major challenge, as in many situations the process has become stalled, or displacement cyclical. One of the most pressing questions in this context has been how to create an agreed-upon and shared evidence-base to inform coordinated responses of all actors working...Launching the Durable Solutions Indicator Library & Analysis Guide to Support Solutions for IDPs A lot has happened since July 2017 when we last reported back from the Sudan profiling exercise. At the time we were working with partners to select context-relevant indicators using the Durable Solutions Indicator Library, for a comprehensive durable solutions analysis of the displacement situation in Sudan. We...Collecting Micro & Macro level data for Durable Solutions Analysis in Sudan: Interview with Khadra Elmi, Profiling Advisor