Azerbaijan has one of the highest concentrations of internally displaced persons (IDPs) globally, currently comprising around 6.5% of the country's overall population (658,793 individuals, 175,034 families).[1] Most IDPs have been living in protracted displacement since the first Nagorno-Karabakh War (from 1988 to 1994), with thousands more people newly displaced in...Strengthening the Data Systems and Capacities of the IDP Committee in Azerbaijan
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Community engagement, IDP policy
Between May and July 2023, a total of 56 professionals representing governmental bodies, humanitarian, peacebuilding, and development organisations embarked on a transformative learning journey through this year’s course on fundamentals of joint data processes of JIPS’ Collaborative Leadership Programme (CLP). Co-organized by the Joint Internal Displacement Profiling Service (JIPS) and...Collaborative Leadership Programme 2023: Unlocking Joint Solutions to Internal Displacement in East and Horn of Africa
Related Topics: Capacity development, Durable solutions, Refugee & IDP statistics, Community engagement
Ethiopia has faced significant displacement challenges for decades, stemming from a variety of factors including conflict, inter-communal violence, natural hazards, and the impacts of climate change. Displacement is widespread affecting diverse regions in the country; in recent years particularly the Northern region has seen a significant increase in the number...A Collaborative Approach to Durable Solutions Data in Ethiopia
About the Collaborative Leadership Programme 2023 ↓ Building pathways to move beyond critical humanitarian assistance towards longer-term Solutions to Internal Displacement calls for an all-out effort across disciplines. The UN Secretary-General’s Action Agenda is clear: it requires working together, at all levels. And making these shifts a reality starts with...Impressions from JIPS' Collaborative Leadership Programme 2022
Related Topics: Capacity development, Durable solutions, IDP policy, Refugee & IDP statistics, Community engagement
Recognizing the scale of internal displacement across the globe, with many displaced individuals remaining uprooted for over two decades, there has never been a more critical moment to address the phenomenon – together. As the global internal displacement situation deteriorates, the UN Secretary-General (UNSG) underlines in his Action Agenda on...More of the Same Not Good Enough: JIPS launches the Collaborative Leadership Programme
Related Topics: Capacity development, Durable solutions, IDP policy, Refugee & IDP statistics, Community engagement, Methods
Area-based approaches, initially developed for urban contexts, marked a paradigm shift in humanitarian assistance. They called for a move away from assistance focused on the individual beneficiary or target population group, to responses that consider the larger geographical scale. They recognize the need to consider all population groups in an...[Webinar] Area-Based Approaches in Durable Solutions Analysis: Practitioners’ Insights from Niger, Somalia and Syria
Internal displacement is typically thought of as people and families being forced miles far away from their places of origin, compelled to rethink their lives in the places of refuge. However, in some instances, people are displaced within the same province. In the case of Philippines’ southern Bangsamoro Autonomous Region...Profiling of Internal Displacement in Basilan, Sulu & Tawi-Tawi, Philippines: Key Findings & Recommendations
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Methods, Community engagement
The conflict in Ukraine has recently passed its 7th year mark and, as of October 2020, the country counts 1.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the regions of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea. While significant challenges persist, Ukraine has taken critical steps to address internal displacement and work towards longer-term...Progress Towards a National Strategy on Local Integration: JIPS' Support in Ukraine
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Methods, Community engagement