Capacity development Archives - Page 3 of 4 - JIPS - Joint IDP Profiling Service

Statistical Capacity Building on Forced Displacement: An Urgent Need for SDGs & GCR indicators?

Ever since a week full of international meetings on indicator frameworks at the end of March 2019, I am left reflecting on the issue of statistical capacity building, or more specifically on capacity building to improve data on forced displacement. Data – or statistics – is a critical building block...Statistical Capacity Building on Forced Displacement: An Urgent Need for SDGs & GCR indicators?
Related Topics: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Capacity development, Refugee & IDP statistics
– Published 4.Jun.2019

Four Key Insights from the Latest GP20 Steering Group Meeting on IDP Data (Mar 2019)

The latest Steering Group meeting of the group working to implement the Plan of Action marking 20 years of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (GP20) gave the floor to Nigeria, Ethiopia, Honduras and Ukraine. They showcased their diverse approaches to collecting, analysing and using data on internal displacement for...Four Key Insights from the Latest GP20 Steering Group Meeting on IDP Data (Mar 2019)
Related Topics: Refugee & IDP statistics, Durable solutions, Capacity development
– Published 22.Mar.2019

Farewell to the PARK - Not fit for purpose, but still needed?

Capturing lessons learned and sharing good practice is often hard to find time to do systematically in the busy world of humanitarian needs assessment and profiling practitioners. How can we best learn and exchange experience from different contexts, share tools and concrete examples between practitioners? What are the best mechanisms...Farewell to the PARK - Not fit for purpose, but still needed?
Related Topics: Joint analysis, Capacity development
– Published 12.Feb.2019

Profiling Coordination Training 2018: new datasets, new sessions, updated scenario and extended topics

This year’s edition of our flagship training on profiling brought together 28 participants from more than 20 countries to work on the profiling process from start to finish. It was an exciting 6 days hands-on training using our revised fictional country scenario Freedonia and concrete examples from our profiling experience...Profiling Coordination Training 2018: new datasets, new sessions, updated scenario and extended topics
Related Topics: Capacity development
– Published 12.Dec.2018

Profiling Exchange with Built Environment Professionals to Inform Integration Planning in Thessaloniki, Greece

Recognising that different types of actors are needed for holistic responses to displacement in cities, JIPS is exploring new partnerships to better understand how these many actors can work together to collect information and jointly use results. More specifically, as Håvard Breivik and Tone Selmer-Olsen describe in the interview, given that solutions to urban displacement necessarily...Profiling Exchange with Built Environment Professionals to Inform Integration Planning in Thessaloniki, Greece
Related Topics: Capacity development, Urban
– Published 25.Oct.2018

Profiling Coordination Training Through the Words of its Participants: Interview with Tarek Tamer, NRC

Designed to combine theory and practice informed by the real-life challenges encountered in the field, the Profiling Coordination Training (PCT) represents a truly comprehensive learning experience for actors involved in profiling displacement situations. To better explain what the training has to offer, we talked to Tarek Tamer, a former PCT...Profiling Coordination Training Through the Words of its Participants: Interview with Tarek Tamer, NRC
Related Topics: Capacity development
– Published 10.Sep.2018

Building Capacity for Joint Analysis: Kick-starting the Analysis Phase in Thessaloniki, Greece

Establishing a joint interpretation of the displacement situation among relevant actors is a precondition for a more coordinated and targeted response. Failing to correctly understand and interpret the data collected through a profiling exercise might mean quashing the whole process, and ending up preventing future collaboration among partners. A rigorous...Building Capacity for Joint Analysis: Kick-starting the Analysis Phase in Thessaloniki, Greece
Related Topics: Joint analysis, Capacity development
– Published 8.Aug.2018

More Useful Data Through Joint Analysis - Contributing to ACAPS’ Advanced Humanitarian Analysis Programme

Being able to turn data into useful evidence is critical for humanitarian actors working to support decision-makers in addressing internal displacement. In order to strengthen analysis capacity within the humanitarian sector, ACAPS recently launched the Humanitarian Analysis Programme (HAP), a training aimed at creating a network of highly skilled actors, able to analyse existing...More Useful Data Through Joint Analysis - Contributing to ACAPS’ Advanced Humanitarian Analysis Programme
Related Topics: Capacity development, Joint analysis
– Published 3.Jul.2018

Increasing Government Capacity on International Norms: Integrating Data Sessions into IIHL's Course on Internal Displacement Law

In line with our commitment to facilitate cross-contextual learning, JIPS was excited to take part for the third year in a row in the annual Course on the law of internal displacement to facilitate sessions on data collection and durable solutions. Organised by the International Institute for Humanitarian Law (IIHL) in cooperation with the Special...Increasing Government Capacity on International Norms: Integrating Data Sessions into IIHL's Course on Internal Displacement Law
Related Topics: Capacity development
– Published 22.Jun.2018

Assessing and analysing the needs of affected populations - JIPS participates in OCHA’s Coordinated Assessment and Information Management (CAIM) Training

Coordinated needs assessments and joint impartial analysis are essential in order to deliver targeted responses to populations affected by humanitarian crises and make informed prioritization decisions. This has been widely recognized by signatories of the Grand Bargain and is currently being addressed through the Needs Assessment Work stream, towards which JIPS contributes...Assessing and analysing the needs of affected populations - JIPS participates in OCHA’s Coordinated Assessment and Information Management (CAIM) Training
Related Topics: Capacity development
– Published 11.Jun.2018

JIPS’ Partner Event 2018: New Strategy & Key Achievements 2017

Together with the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN and other International Organisations in Geneva, as well as the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS), we organised an event to tackle the topic of “Improving statistics on forced displacement” from two different perspectives. In this article we focus...JIPS’ Partner Event 2018: New Strategy & Key Achievements 2017
Related Topics: Durable solutions, Refugee & IDP statistics, Urban, IDP policy, Innovation, Capacity development
– Published 6.Feb.2018

What Might a Day in the Life of a Profiling Coordinator Look Like? Interview with Steph Matti, Profiling Coordinator in Sittwe, Myanmar

Interview: Steph Matti about her experience in Sittwe (Rakhine) and elsewhere We met Steph on a sunny autumn morning in a café in the middle of busy Rome. She is now working in the Italy office of UNHCR, but we have known her for a couple of years now. She...What Might a Day in the Life of a Profiling Coordinator Look Like? Interview with Steph Matti, Profiling Coordinator in Sittwe, Myanmar
Related Topics: Capacity development
– Published 30.Oct.2017

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