Tools and Guidance
At JIPS we use our extensive experience to inform the development of global tools and guidance. These resources not only support partners and colleagues around the world during the different stages of designing and conducting a profiling exercise. They also share expertise and build capacity beyond the reach of JIPS’ direct country support services, and contribute to the development of standards and best practice for displacement data.

Your guide to displacement profiling
The JIPS Essential Toolkit (JET) is a compilation of generic tools and guides for all stages of a profiling exercise, and represents JIPS’ best practice. It is an independent database that users can browse for assistance and inspiration.

Comprehensive durable solutions analysis
The Interagency Durable Solutions Indicator Library helps users to measure progress toward durable solutions for IDPs over time. The Analysis Guide provides a step-by-step explanation of how to implement a comprehensive durable solutions analysis.

IDP & refugee statistics
The International Recommendations on IDP Statistics and related Compilers Manual provide guidance on how to produce and disseminate quality official statistics on IDPs. They were developed by the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS).

Urban profiling
Our guidance on profiling in urban settings addresses the logistical, methodological, political and security challenges inherent in planning and conducting such exercises.

Boost your skills in displacement profiling!
The Profiling Coordination Training (PCT) provides practical, hands-on instruction on the process of collaborative profiling and the role of the profiling coordinator, designed for professionals working in the humanitarian and development sector.