Designed to combine theory and practice informed by the real-life challenges encountered in the field, the Profiling Coordination Training (PCT) represents a truly comprehensive learning experience for actors involved in profiling displacement situations. To better explain what the training has to offer, we talked to Tarek Tamer, a former PCT participant, who highlighted some of the key elements that made this training so valuable to him.
Tarek attended the PCT in Jordan in 2015 and, besides acquiring new skills, he was able to access useful tools that could be directly applied in his work as Profiling Coordinator in Libya in 2017, and even currently as a monitoring and evaluation coordinator for NRC in Jordan.
During our conversation, Tarek also stressed the fact that the PCT, far from being a simple training opportunity, is also a great networking event, bringing together different actors, from different contexts and agencies.
If you are interested in the training, listen up and don’t forget to apply by 1 October.