Localised Durable Solutions Programming Based on Integration Metrics | 4th Learning Community Webinar - JIPS - Joint IDP Profiling Service

Localised Durable Solutions Programming Based on Integration Metrics | 4th Learning Community Webinar

Related Topics: Durable solutions, Methods

In which ways can local (re)integration assessments help inform solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs)? Why is it important to consider city- as well as population-level indicators for local integration analysis?

In this 4th webinar organised by the JIPS-initiated Learning Community on Durable Solutions Analysis, we looked at two different approaches to analyse durable solutions and local integration in areas of displacement and return. Moderated by Stefanie Barratt (Samuel Hall), we learned from Lena von Naso about how the Danwadaag Consortium’s reintegration assessment methodology in Somalia was adapted to better address durable solutions programming needs. We also heard from Roger Guiu (Social Inquiry) about their two-way approach – looking at both the city and population levels – to understanding belonging and acceptance among internally displaced and host communities in Iraq.




The presentations are available here. Also check out previous webinars in this series organised by JIPS through the Learning Community on Durable Solutions:

  1. Lessons from Iraq, Sudan, Somalia
  2. Composite measures for durable solutions analysis


This webinar is part of a series organized by the JIPS-led Learning Community on Durable Solutions Analysis in the context of our effort to foster and enhance a learning community on measuring durable solutions to displacement. Shaped by and for experienced practitioners of durable solutions analysis, both the webinars and learning community aim to encourage exchange and learning around available tools and tested approaches, experiences and lessons learned across contexts for improved practice on the topic.

The durable solutions analysis learning community constitutes part III of the interagency durable solutions project, a multi-stakeholder initiative led by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of IDPs. Made possible through generous funding provided by the United States Government, it builds off the experiences from putting the Interagency Durable Solutions Indicator Library and Analysis Guide as well as other tools into practice.

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