Engaging Communities & Working with Local Actors in Sensitive Contexts: Interview with Oscar Paz, World Vision Honduras - JIPS - Joint IDP Profiling Service

Engaging Communities & Working with Local Actors in Sensitive Contexts: Interview with Oscar Paz, World Vision Honduras

Related Topics: Community engagement

In 2017, the Government of Honduras initiated a profiling exercise to gather in-depth information on internal displacement across the country and to better understand the drivers and risks of displacement, as well as future intentions of affected population concerning solutions. The exercise was supported by UNHCRWorld Vision Honduras and JIPS and aimed to inform collaborative prevention and solutions responses.

The collaborative data collection and analysis process was based on a protection-sensitive and context-specific methodology that included both quantitative and qualitative data.

We talked to Oscar Paz, Urban Programming Coordinator at World Vision Honduras, to discuss the challenges encountered during the process, as well as the opportunities and added value of engaging communities and working with local actors with a strong presence in the field.


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