The Sampling Guide for Displacement Situations and Practical Examples offers practical guidance to support practitioners in the process of designing a sampling approach in complex situations, such as forced displacement. It briefly introduce key concepts on sampling (e.g. target population, sample frame, or bias) and includes concrete examples of sampling approaches used in profiling exercises JIPS has supported over the past years as well as helpful and go-to resources.
This guide is part of the JIPS Essential Toolkit (JET) and builds the cornerstone of phase three of a profiling process: designing the methodology. Part I of the guide helps researchers understand key theoretical and technical aspects of sampling, and walks them step-by-step through the process of how to decide which sampling option to choose and what errors one can expect to come across. Part II offers detailed descriptions of the approaches used in six different displacement contexts, why they were chosen and what their limitations were (El Salvador, Greece, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Kosovo, Somalia, and Sudan).