Mozambique - JIPS - Joint IDP Profiling Service


Cabo Delgado, a province in Northern Mozambique, is among the country’s worst-off in terms of multidimensional poverty. Following attacks of terrorist groups in 2017, the province also suffered from destruction, instability, and socio-economic vulnerability. As of July 2024, an estimated 541,400 IDPs are hosted across the 16 provincial districts next to an additional 576,280 returnees (i.e. return IDPs, source).

Of those, an estimated 81,615 IDPs reside in the city of Pemba, making up one third of the urban population and contributing to a rapid expansion of the city since 2019. The influx of people into the Pemba urban area has had a number of effects, including putting strain on the housing and labour markets and increased food insecurity, as well as challenging local authorities to respond to the situation. Against this background, in 2023 UN-Habitat Mozambique reached out to JIPS to support a joint urban profiling of the displacement context in Pemba city.

Project Overview

The urban profiling covers the wider metropolitan area of Pemba city, thus also including the districts of Metuge and Mecufi. The profiling approach builds on a combined spatial and population analysis to understand how the IDP population is progressing towards local integration and durable solutions, as well as how the urban structures of Pemba and the neighbouring districts are impacted by the displacement situation.

The analysis aims to i) inform programming for humanitarian and development actors; ii) measure progress towards solutions; and iii) strengthen the policy dimension for solutions and related existing coordination structures. The project further includes a capacity development component to enhance capacities of local institutions to manage processes for the sustainable integration of IDPs in the metropolitan area.

In March 2024, JIPS implemented a scoping mission to Maputo and Pemba to analyse the situational context in which the exercise would take place. Together with in-country partners, key stakeholders were identified and consultations conducted to better understand the data and analysis needs on internal displacement. The mission insights allowed to further tailor the profiling exercise and strengthen links to other efforts in-country linked to solutions and data on internal displacement (project concept note available upon demand).

Subsequently, JIPS facilitated the multi-stakeholder engagement process and the development of the methodology and analysis components. A technical support mission was planned in December 2024 to jointly finalise these elements and formally initiate the Urban Profiling Taskforce; however, the mission has been postponed to early March 2025 (tbc) due to the political unrest in the country.

Exercise partners

UN-Habitat in Mozambique is leading the urban profiling in close collaboration with the National Institute for Disaster Risk Management and Reduction (INGD, national and provincial levels) as well as municipal authorities from Pemba, Metuge, and Mecufi.

An Urban Profiling Taskforce is being set up under the umbrella of the Durable Solutions Working Group (DSWG) in Cabo Delgado, to ensure that all relevant stakeholders at the national, provincial, and local levels are engaged, including UN entities (Resident Coordinator’s Office – RCO, IOM, UNHCR, UNDP), INGOs (incl. NRC), and other actors.

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